MEC concerned about implementation of eviction laws

Gauteng Human Settlements MEC Jacob Mamabolo says he wants clarity from the courts on how evictions should be carried out as tenants are often treated in an inhumane way during the process.

Mamabolo announced he will be taking a test case to court in order to protect the rights of tenants evicted from their homes.

Over the past weekend the MEC expressed his unhappiness at how residents were treated during evictions in Hillbrow last month.

He says there are issues with the interpretation of the law that need clarity.

“Women dragged in the most unacceptable way, people just being pushed around, some assaulted; of course there is resistance to eviction but the point I am making is there seems to be a problem in how the law is interpreted [and] applied.”

Meanwhile, Lawyers for Human Rights say the violent manner in which evictions are carried out is concerning.

Attorney Louise du Plessis says the Red Ants and other evicting companies are violent.

“I don’t think they comply with the law, but it’s not as if the court order would say something about this. There is not a lot that’s being said about the manner in which these evictions take place. We are specifically referring to these companies that are known as the Red Ants [who are] involved in these evictions.”